Monday, July 20, 2015

The Rule of Saint Benedict: Chapter 8

I decided to take a break from posting yesterday and try to focus on worshiping. Our parish had its first Divine Liturgy in our new building and I wanted to have no distractions so I could be in a worshipful mood when I got to church.

That plan didn't work on account of my toddler.

Any way, the next couple of chapters deal with how prayer times are to be conducted throughout the day and during different seasons. Chapter 8 is quite short.

Chapter 8

The Divine Office at Night

During the winter season, that is, from the first of November until Easter, it seems reasonable to arise at the eighth hour of the night.

By sleeping a little past the middle of the night, the brothers can arise with their food fully digested.

In the time remaining after Vigils, those who need to learn some of the psalter or readings should study them.

Between Easter and the first of November mentioned above, the time for Vigils should be adjusted so that a very short interval after Vigils will give the monks opportunity to care for nature's needs. Then at daybreak, Lauds should follow immediately.


This is just the start of the section that covers prayers, but it should be noted that such care is taken to ensure that the monks can take care of "nature's needs."

Also, prayer should be part of our daily life. We should have a good prayer rule that we follow. This can be just morning and evening prayers, or getting up and doing Prime and praying everything from then until Compline. Any rule you are on should be discussed with your spiritual father/priest to make sure it's not too much.

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